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    How to Build & Publish a Terraform Provider

    Documenting the critical and secondary dependencies to building and publishing a Terraform provider to the Terraform registry, based on my recent experience.

    AvatarKevin WangOctober 05, 2023

    GitHub Actions Survival Skills

    After close to a year of working with GitHub actions, I’ve compiled a list of handy “survival skills” that help to keep developer velocity high.

    AvatarKevin WangJune 13, 2022

    Dynamic Matrices in GitHub Actions

    ...from JSON payloads that you send! — This was a recent rabbit hole 🐰🕳 that took me 2 days to figure out. I couldn't find a quick and clear answer on Google so I figured I'd write about it.

    AvatarKevin WangSeptember 19, 2021

    JAMStack CI/CD with Lerna, NextJS, CDK, and Github Actions

    Lerna, AWS CDK, and Github Actions make continuous integration and continuous delivery super easy. I figured out how to setup a CI/CD pipeline for my NextJS static apps backed by additional AWS infrastructure like Lambda functions, API Gateway, and Dynamo DB.

    AvatarKevin WangMarch 06, 2021