
  • lambda
  • Posts

    Deploy any Web App to Lambda in 60 seconds

    If it listens on a port, it can be deployed to Lambda!

    AvatarKevin WangApril 25, 2022

    Serverless Brain Dump: Use Lambda with RDS Aurora Serverless

    Part 1 of 3 in a serverless discovery brain dump. This portion focuses on the Lambda (compute) and Aurora (database) layers within the larger picture: FQDN → API Gateway → Lambda → Aurora.

    AvatarKevin WangMarch 16, 2022

    Deploying a GraphQL Docker Container to AWS Lambda with Waypoint

    I finally got around to ticking off a few items on my todo list.

    1. Shoving an express.js app into a lambda function.
    2. Deploying a Docker container to lambda.
    3. Using a new HashiCorp product.

    ...And it all required very little code. Sort of.

    AvatarKevin WangFebruary 14, 2022

    CloudFront Functions for an Efficient Cache Policy

    Using CloudFront functions to apply some clever and sensible Cache-Control headers to a fully static Next.js app.

    AvatarKevin WangJuly 26, 2021

    Hexagonal Geospatial GPS Data Visualization App

    Using Uber's H3, React Native, and DynamoDB to build a serverless system, end-to-end, to track and visualize my own GPS locations

    AvatarKevin WangMay 17, 2021