I built a like-button - Wed Oct 2520239:41 AM
Yet another like button! You can see it live on each atom on this page.
Note: Base style and design accredidation: Vercel Design.
As cute and non-assuming as it is, there is a substantial amount of backend work and product questions that go into this.
- What persistence layer will store the "likes" data?
- What API layer will facilitate the e2e communication?
- How will you protect this layer from abuse?
- If abuse is successful, what are the potential damages?
- Is monitoring in place for the backend?
- What will it look like with 1 "like"?
- What will it look like with 32,095 "likes"?
- What do the interactive states look "like"?
- Do we only load the "likes" data when the button is in the viewport?
- Will there be layout shift?
- Will there be a loading state?
- Will the like interaction be an optimistic update?
- Is it reasonably accessible?
...the list goes on...